1. Choose an item that you need
Browse our online catalogue for the item you need to borrow.* You can also browse the catalogue by categories.
2. Register quickly and for free
In the catalog (upper right corner), please click on the “Create Account” and use the form to register for the library. Membership in the Library of Things Brno is free and it will take just a second.
In the catalog (upper right corner), please click on the “Create Account” and use the form to register for the library. Membership in the Library of Things Brno is free and it will take just a second.
3. Reserve your item
Choose the thing you want to borrow. Select the best date & time for you. Confirm your reservation in the basket.
Choose the thing you want to borrow. Select the best date & time for you. Confirm your reservation in the basket.
4. Pick up your item
After the reservation has been approved, you can pick up the thing on the loan day during the opening hours at Masarykova 32, Brno. You will pay the refundable deposit and the rent when you pick up the thing. The price for both is always listed in the catalogue for each thing.
After the reservation has been approved, you can pick up the thing on the loan day during the opening hours at Masarykova 32, Brno. You will pay the refundable deposit and the rent when you pick up the thing. The price for both is always listed in the catalogue for each thing.
5. Return the item
After using them, return the borrowed items to the library. Get your deposit back.
After using them, return the borrowed items to the library. Get your deposit back.