The Community Garden in Brno

Please, fill in this questionnaire about the community garden attached here. It is really important for us to know your opinion and what your needs are.

A short introduction to the concept of a community garden


Community gardens are green spaces that offer the neighbors an opportunity to plant and take care of fruits and vegetables. Moreover, community gardens are a great way to have a space for sharing the spirit of a community in the neighborhood. 

The idea of having a community garden in the neighborhood is spread worldwide nowadays. Therefore, You can google it to see testimonials from other members involved in a community garden and why they like to participate in it. 

Our goal is to promote solidarity between the local people while doing an activity that brings you joy, in this case, gardening. You will be able to have fresh fruits and vegetables that are locally and ecologically produced. Furthermore, the locals will have the chance to be involved in a project which promotes an eco-friendly approach.   

Promoting ecological awareness is also one of our concerns and we want to engage you in eco-friendly topics. We also want to let your opinion be heard on our social media and Website, which will be established soon. You will have the opportunity to have a community both in the online and offline environment where you can be active and share your passion, voice, and willingness for a common purpose. 

It is important to know that the online platforms will be available for everyone, not only the garden members or the whole community but the wider audience will have access to the information that we post. 


community garden
                                                Illustrative image. Source:

Why should you get involved in a community garden?


Being part of a community brings many benefits to people’s life.  Therefore, not only that you will have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, but you will also get: 

  • a new hobby
  • new friends
  • new skills
  • a new way of relaxing
  • the chance to improve your language if you are a foreigner
  • eco-friendly tips and tricks

Moreover,  depending on your needs and the others’ needs, we will organize different activities.

Some of our ideas are:

  • picnics
  • sports activities outside (eg, stretching)
  • workshops (eg, composting, photography, gardening)
  • open-air cinema


And many more, depending on what you want to take out of this project.

Please, don’t forget to fill in our questionnaire about the community garden attached here. We would be very grateful if you share your opinion with us.


For more information, you can contact us at: